Female Leadership

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I started by first business at nineteen. It was a massive failure. I created my second business at twenty-one, which did not work out either. I did not give up! At the age of twenty-seven, I founded my third business. Soon enough, it turned into one of the most successful companies on the Balkans!


My experiences have taught me this: you can be feminine, sexual, and successful at the same time!


To establish a successful business, you should understand that men and women conduct business differently. We will discuss the leading differences between male and female executive behaviour. We will also examine the first phases of starting a business, the mistakes we should avoid, and the reasons behind business failure. Finally, we will tackle questions such as: What is at the root of success: luck or hard work?


Of course, we will focus on feminine models of business behaviour and leadership. You will learn:

·      How to motivate yourself

·      How to establish a business with limited starting capital and build upon your current resources

·      How men and women succeed

·      How to become a leader and a master within your field of expertise


What will we talk about?


1.     How do successful businesses start: the male and female perspective

2.     How to stop perceiving yourself as a loser and see yourself as a winner

3.     Distinguishing between male and female models of leadership

4.     Eliminating limitations and tackling the challenges men and women experience when establishing businesses and accumulating wealth

5.     Male and female leadership: main challenges

6.     How to start a business without monetary capital

7.     How to overcome moments of crisis and use them as stepping stones to success

8.     The role of men and women in the business world and work-life balance

9.     How men and women can avoid common business mistakes

10.  Bonus! Self-confidence techniques and tricks for gaining confidence in our interactions with the opposite sex


You will learn many new secrets! What do men and women want in the business? How could we successfully collaborate with the opposite sex? Join our seminar and figure this out!

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Female Leadership

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